Whether you are landscaping or building a fence or a deck, no project that involves digging is too small or insignificant. If you are planning to dig on your property for any reason, state law requires you to place a location request with UDig NY at least two (2) full working days, but no more than 10 working days, before beginning your project, to ensure all underground utility lines are properly marked by their owners. Working days are defined as weekdays (Monday through Friday), excluding holidays. You can place a location request by calling 811or by visiting https://udigny.org/.
Because the depth and placement of utility lines can vary for a number of reasons, including erosion, previous digging projects, and uneven surfaces, making assumptions about where the utility lines are under your property can be extremely dangerous. Striking a single line can result in injury, significant repair costs, fines, and inconvenient outages for you and your neighbors.
Please visit https://udigny.org/ for more information, or check out these videos below: