2025 Rate Update

Liberty New York Gas recently filed a rate request with the New York Public Service Commission (PSC or Commission) to support necessary and prudent improvements to our system that will enhance safety and reliability of service and add value for our customers. This is the first rate case Liberty NY Gas has filed since November 2021. 

We requested a single-year rate adjustment that will allow us to address needed capital investments and safety enhancements, as well as expand our customer and low-income assistance program and advance the objectives of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).  If approved, we anticipate rates will go into effect November 1, 2025.

NY Public Service Commission (PSC) establishes and approves the rates customers pay in order to maintain a safe and reliable system in the coming years. If approved by the PSC, the average increase will be:

  • Typical SC-1 Residential Service heating customer’s bill (using an average of 81 therms of gas per month) by approximately 11.3% or $10.91 per month on the total bill.
  • Typical SC-2 Small General Firm Service or Commercial heating customer (using an average of 549 therms of gas per month) would see an increase of 1.9% or $8.63 per month on the total bill.
  • Average Large Commercial (SC-2L) sales customers (using an average of 76,649 therms of gas per month) would see a decrease of 1.2% or $515.04 per month on the total bill, compared to present rates.
  • Industrial (SC-3) sales customers (using an average of 40,786 therms of gas per month) would see an increase of 4.0% or $859.39 per month on the total bill, compared to present rates.
  • Industrial (SC-3) transportation customers (using an average of 236,222 therms of gas per month) would see an average increase of 36.6% or $3,949.21 per month on the total bill (an increase of 36.6% on the delivery only portion of the bill), compared to present rates.

Customers can comment on the rate case proceedings by filing written comments with the PSC, and, in some cases, you may have the right to participate in the rate case. The Commission has opened Docket No. 24-G-0668 to consider our rate request. Documents associated with the rate case are available from the PSC’s virtual file room at https://dps.ny.gov/pending-and-recent-gas-rate-cases#liberty-utilities-(st.-lawrence-gas)-corp.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who sets the rates customers pay for Liberty NYG’s service?

A: The NY PSC is ultimately responsible for establishing and approving the rates customers pay. Liberty NYG provides the PSC with full transparency into the Company’s financials, which indicate the overall costs to maintain a safe and reliable system in the coming years.

Q: Why has Liberty requested a rate adjustment?

A: Liberty NYG has requested a single-year rate adjustment that will allow the Company to address needed capital investments, including the installation of Automated Meter Reading equipment, safety enhancements such as the adoption of a new pipeline safety management system (PSMS), improve customer satisfaction through the expansion of customer and low-income assistance programs, further support stable and safe operations, and advance the objectives of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

Rates are anticipated to go into effect on November 1, 2025.   

Q: What is Automated Meter Reading?

A: Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology enables drive-by meter readings, a highly accurate and more efficient method for collecting readings. ERTs (encoder receiver transmitters) are installed on meters and transmit the monthly reading by radio signal to Liberty trucks as they pass by. This eliminates the need for manual reads and access to meters inside of homes to gain a monthly read.

Q: What infrastructure improvements has Liberty made since the last rate case?

A: The last rate request allowed Liberty NYG to provide needed investments in its infrastructure to maintain safety and reliability of service, implement a new in-house meter-reading program, offset the increased cost of supplies and materials from recent years, and recover costs associated with system improvements, including investments in infrastructure and new technology to modernize the system.

Q: What other improvements has Liberty made since the last rate case?

A: The rate request also enabled additional resources for emergency response and planning, damage prevention initiatives, and value-added programs for customers like new bill discounts for low-income residents, enhanced energy efficiency programs, and a new residential methane detector program.

Q: What future infrastructure improvements can customers expect to see?

A: If approved, Liberty plans to invest approximately $6.9 million in necessary capital projects, capital expenses, and material spending. This will include the installation of Automated Meter Reading equipment that will increase accuracy and efficiency in monthly meter reads.    

Q: What other future improvements can customers expect to see?

A: If approved, Liberty plans to expand financial assistance programs that benefit the customers, invest in cybersecurity programs, introduce and expand innovative energy solutions like hybrid heating programs and hydrogen, and adopt a new Pipeline Safety Management System (PSMS) and other programs that support the Company’s commitment to safety and reliability.

Q: Who can I speak with if I’m having difficulties paying my gas bill?

A: We offer flexible payment options for residential and business customers, allowing additional time to spread past-due balances and make payments more manageable. We also work with our customers to resolve past-due balances and avoid the potential of disconnection. Here you can learn more about various agencies that can help to provide financial assistance for a portion of the bill.

The state of New York has several programs available to customers, including a Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Click here for more information.

Q: Who is Liberty?

A: Part of Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp., Liberty is committed to providing safe and reliable natural gas, water, and electricity distribution services to over one million customer connections. Liberty’s utility operations are primarily located in the United States and Canada and have expanded to Chile and Bermuda. With a customer-centric approach to management, Liberty provides a superior customer experience through local management, conservation and energy efficiency initiatives, and programs for businesses and residential customers. We measure our performance in terms of service reliability, customer satisfaction, and an unwavering dedication to public and workplace safety. Liberty’s North American distribution operations include Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma and Texas in the United States, and New Brunswick, Canada. In New York, Liberty provides services to approximately 17,000 natural gas utility customer connections and more than 126,000 water customer connections.