The date you are due for an estimated reading will be stated on your bill. If you wish, you may read your own meter on that date and call the reading to our billing department or e-mail your reading to us.
It is important that you read your meter on the date it is scheduled to be estimated and use the form below.
If your meter has an index that looks like this:
Start your reading on the dial that is furthest to the right. As you can see in the included picture, the dial that is furthest to the right has an arrow that is located between the 5 and the 6. You want to record the lower number, in this case the correct number is 5. Work your way from right to left until you have all four numbers recorded. The second dial, from right to left, would be a 0. The third dial is also a 2, this one is tricky because the arrow is so close to the 0. The way to tell the correct number is by looking back at the second dial, as you can see that dial has passed the 0 and therefore the third dial must have passed the 0 so the correct reading is 0. The fourth dial has also passed the 0.
When you send your meter reading to us you must report it from left to right, even though you read it from right to left.
The correct reading for this meter is 7205